NSSHV Radboud Rangers
Would you like to learn more about the history of our association? Below you can read how the Radboud Rangers emerged into the association we know today.
The beginning
A number of enthusiasts, itchy hands, a good lobby and an empty time slot on field 3 of the RSC, these were the ingredients for a successful negotiation. September 1, 2005 was the birth of NSSHV, the Radboud Rangers.

Growth and cooperation
2006 - 2010
​A year after its founding, the members wanted more than just training and playing tournaments, we also wanted to play competition. Because you need a field with gravel for home games, the collaboration with HSV de Hazenkamp (our citizen friends in Dukenburg) was started. With the growth to meet other needs, the association also grew from one team to both a baseball and a softball team!
We also wanted to provide more student activities off the field, and a collaboration with the student dance and judo association was the solution for this. The joint activities were therefore called So-D-Ju! named.
2011 - 2015
During these years the association reached its peak in membership, even creating a second baseball team. This gave the opportunity to make a division between an experienced and profit-driven team, and a less experienced but just as fun baseball team. This payoff paid off in 2014 when the men's 1st baseball team took home the championship title! This is the only title that has been achieved since the association was founded. If you would like to read more about the victory, the student magazine VOX has written an article about it.

Just one (more)...
2016 - 2020
​Even though the playing season ended in October, fortunately our members are not tired of the game yet. At the end of the year we often organize a tournament to end the season with a bang. In the past this was the 'Just one more' tournament, since 2016 this became the famous Oktoberfest tournament.
Unfortunately, in the summer of 2016, a number of baseball players left, so we were no longer able to fill two full teams. Since 2017, it has been decided to go back to one baseball team and one softball team, plus the recreational teams of course!
2016 was also the first year that we went away for a weekend with the association, a Crazy 88 was played all weekend. Nowadays the last weekend of November is the fixed date for Ranger weekend. Since we are a small but close-knit association, more than half of the members usually participate!
2021 - 2025
The baseball team usually plays in the 6th division and steadily achieves a spot in the top half of the competition. The softball team holds its own in the 4th division. Despite the great diversity and range of experience within the teams, they still manage to support other teams every season.
Time will tell whether a third competition team will ever return to the association.