To keep the association running, there is a large group of volunteers who work on various committees. Below we highlight them:
Activity committee (AC)
​The AC organizes activities for its members once a month. These can be sports-related things such as a clinic, skiing or a dodgeball tournament, but also other activities such as a pub crawl or Ranking the Stars.
Members: Agnes, Esme, Esther, Pim and Lotus
Promotion committee (PR)
​Our PR department ensures that the association is clearly visible during major events. They are hard at work during the introduction or promotion of one of our parties.
Members: Ciska, Joris, Sander and Tim
Tournament Committee (ToCo)
​Since 2016, NSSHV Radboud Rangers tries to organize an annual base- and softball tournament. Teams from all over the Netherlands play matches against each other and compete for a nice prize. In the evening there is of course a big party.​
Members: Ciska, Agnes, Bob, Susanne and Britt
Training committee (TC)
​In the absence of a permanent trainer, the training committee is committed to provide the recreational practice with new and fun exercises every week. Because apart from having fun, we also need to be fit ;)
Members: Tim, Lucas, Tessa, Agnes, Esther, Marte, Adriënne and Rutger
Advisory committee (AdCie)
The advisory committee was created to provide solicited and unsolicited advice to the board and members of the association. The board and members may also ask for advice if they encounter difficult issues.
Members: Britt, Sander, Sanne and Timon
Cash control committee (KasCo)
​The treasurer will work with the KasCo to ensure that all payments are recorded correctly in the accounting program. The KasCo will also check whether all receipts are present to verify the payments.​
Members: Joris and Rutger
Lustrum committee (LuCo)
Every 5 years the association celebrates its anniversary by organizing various fun activities. A lustrum committee is being set up for this purpose. The association will celebrate its 4th anniversary in 2025.
Members: not yet filled.